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The Sins Of Thy Beloved - Lake of Sorrow (1998)
Gothic/Doom MetalThe Sins Of Thy Beloved - Lake of Sorrow (1998) http://bp1.blogger.com/_EpC1K6KZzNA/RvvRTvSOFqI/AAAAAAAAJhQ/JjtTrGd5sLo/s400/lakeofsorrow2.jpg Country: Norway Genre: Gothic/Doom Metal Released:... CIRCLE II CIRCLE-BURDEN OF TRUTH - 2006 CIRCLE II CIRCLE-BURDEN OF TRUTH - 2006 http://www.digitaldomainstudios.com/c2c/images/cd_burden.jpg 1. Who Am I 2. Matter Of Time 3. Heal You 4. Your Reality 5. Revelations 6.... Trans-Siberian Orchestra-"Beethoven's Last Night" Trans-Siberian Orchestra-"Beethoven's Last Night" http://www.trans-siberian.com/images/bln-cover.jpg Overture Midnight Fate What Good This... System of a Down- Toxcity http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000021YQV.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg 1. Prison Song 2. Needles 3. Deer Dance 4. Jet Pilot 5. X 6. Chop Suey! 7. Bounce 8. Forest 9.... The Rasmus - Dead Letters http://images-jp.amazon.com/images/P/B0001JXQAQ.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg 1. First day of my life 2. In the shadows 3. Still standing 4. In my life 5. Time to burn 6. Guilty 7. Not like the other... Lord Belial - The Black Curse Lord Belial - The Black Curse (PROMO) (2008) http://static.metal-archives.com/images/2/0/8/8/208860.jpg Tracklist 1. Pazuzu - Lord of Fevers and Plague 03:49 2. Trumpets of... Dark Funeral - Attera Orbis Terrarum - Part II (2008) [RS] Dark Funeral - Attera Orbis Terrarum - Part II (2008) http://static.metal-archives.com/images/2/1/4/2/214278.jpg Artist : Dark Funeral Album : Attera Orbis Terrarum Part II Year :... Joan Osborne - Little Wild One (2008) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/muruch/2008/61tDVpYo28L_SL500_AA240_.jpg Najnowszy album Joan Osborne nosi tytuł Little Wild One. Artystka przygotowała go z muzykami, którzy wspierali j± również na płycie uznanej za największy... Pathology Stench - Meatall (2008) http://www.metal-archives.com/images/2/0/2/5/202589.jpg Wykonawca: Pathology Stench Album: Meatall Czas: 37:18 min Rodzaj: Death Metal Rozmiar: 63.4 MB Jako¶ć: VBRkbps / 44,1kHz /... Cell - Like A Bullet [MCD] (2008) [RS] Cell - Like A Bullet [MCD] (2008) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41r9xapZ7VL._SS500_.jpg Wykonawca: Cell Album: Like A Bullet Czas: 22:32 min Rodzaj: Metal Rozmiar: 40.6... Burn In Silence - Angel Maker Burn In Silence - Angel Maker http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/734/burninsilencealbumys6.jpg 01. Lines From An Epitaph 03:43 02. Rebirth 03:27 03. The Age In Which Tomorrow Brings 03:26 04. Embrace... Nirvana - bootlegi Bootlegi legendarnego zespołu Nirvana Nirvana - 87-03-XX - Raymond, WA http://i33.tinypic.com/2n88mfn.jpg 1. Downer - 5:49 2. Aero Zeppelin - 6:17 3. If you Mus - 8:37 4.... Winds Of Torment - Delighting In Relentless Ignorance Winds Of Torment - Delighting In Relentless Ignorance http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/6446/windsoftormentkm3.jpg 01. Of Solemn Emptiness 01:07 02. Devoid Of Essence 06:34 03. My Daydreams' Specters... Searing Meadow - Corroding From Inside Searing Meadow - Corroding From Inside http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/2807/searingmeadowvo0.jpg 01. Wasted Heroes 02. All Obvious 03. Another Savior 04. Infamous Lines 05.... Arch Enemy - Wages Of Sin Arch Enemy - Wages Of Sin http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/6486/2002wagesofsinnf3.jpg 01. Enemy Within 02. Burning Angel 03. Heart of Darkness 04. Ravenous 05. Savage Messiah 06.... Evocation - Dead Calm Chaos Evocation - Dead Calm Chaos http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/6338/evocationoa8.jpg 01. In The Reign Of Chaos 02. Silence Sleep 03. Angel of Torment 04. Boundead 05. Dead Calm... Scamp - Mirror Faced Mentality Scamp - Mirror Faced Mentality http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/824/coverwm6.jpg 01. Dilemma 02. A Familiar Word 03. Soul Alone 04. Isolated 05. Pros And Cons 06.... |